and therefore a* is differentiabk in R, and D(ax) = cp(a) - ax, where (p(a) ^ 0
if a / 1. Suppose a ^ 1, and let b be any number > 0; we can write

bx =
and therefore, by (8.4.1)

in other words
(p(b) = (p(a) loga b.
There is therefore one and only one number e > 0 such that (p(e) = 1,
namely e = a1/(f>(a}; as DO*) = ex > 0, ex is strictly increasing (by (8.5.3)),
and hence e = e1 > e° = 1. The function ex is also written exp(^c) or exp x.
The function loge x is written log x and it follows from (8.2.3) and (4.2.2)
that D(log x) = l/x for ;c> 0. Furthermore D(ax) = log a ax.

Study the variation of the functions
HP H" HH: ('+f
for x > 0,p being a fixed arbitrary positive number; find their limits when x tends to + oo.
Let/be a differentiate mapping of an open subset A of a Banach space
E into a Banach space F; D/is then a mapping of A into «£?(£; F). We say
that/is continuously differentiable in A if D/is continuous in A.

Suppose now E = E! x E2. For each point (al9 a2) e A we can consider
the partial mappings xl ->f(xl9 a2) and x2~*f(ai,x2) of open subsets of
E! and E2 respectively into F. We say that at (al9 a2), f is differentiable
with respect to the first
(resp. second) variable if the partial mapping
xi ->/(*i> a2) (resp. Jt2->/(fli, JC2)) is differentiable at a^ (resp. a2); the
derivative of that mapping, which is an element of J5f(Ex; F) (resp. J$f(E2; F))
is called the partial derivative of/at (av, a2) with respect to the first (resp.
second) variable, and written &if(al9 a2) (resp. D2f(al9 a2)).